Month: May 2015

Team RBO Wins the Amazon Picking Challenge

Team RBO Wins the Amazon Picking Challenge

This competition was to build their own robot hardware and software that can attempt simplified versions of the general task of picking items from shelves. The challenge combines object recognition, pose recognition, grasp planning, compliant manipulation, motion planning, task planning, task execution, error detection and recovery. The robots will be scored by how many items […]

Honda Releases ASIMO Papercraft Model

Honda Releases ASIMO Papercraft Model

ASIMO an acronym for Advanced Step in Innovative MObility is one of the world’s most advanced humanoid robots developed by Honda. Building ASIMO was incredible challenge for Honda engineers. In addition to powerful computers and sophisticated software, ASIMO represents years of research in many scientific field. But now ASIMO devlopers are providing papercarf model, which […]

Shakey: the World’s First Mobile, Intelligent Robot

Shakey: the World’s First Mobile, Intelligent Robot

Shakey, the world’s first mobile, intelligent robot, was developed at Stanford Research Institute (now SRI International) between 1966 and 1972. Peter Hart, SRI, retired worked on this project from the day it started until the day it ended (By which time he was the project leader). Peter Hart described “how the project got launched, how […]

CHIMP Robot Gets Ready for DARPA Finals June 5-6

CHIMP Robot Gets Ready for DARPA Finals June 5-6

“Faster” is the byword for the Tartan Rescue Team from Carnegie Mellon University’s National Robotics Engineering Center (NREC) as it makes final preparations for the DARPA Robotics Challenge (DRC) Finals June 5-6. The team’s four-limbed robot, CHIMP, is capable of performing all eight tasks, including driving a vehicle, climbing stairs and using power tools, that […]

Weekly Robotics Video: DARPA Final Trainings, Robotic Cheetah, Farthest Hoverboard – Guinness World Records and Talks from ICRA-2015

Weekly Robotics Video: DARPA Final Trainings, Robotic Cheetah, Farthest Hoverboard – Guinness World Records and Talks from ICRA-2015

This week was full of excitement and state of art knowledge for robotics community due to one of the world’s best robotic conference – ICRA. 2,700 registered participants attended the conference at Seattle, USA and thousands of people watched planetries and keynote talks on live webcast. Next week one more mega event in robotics world […]

One Robot for Every Task

One Robot for Every Task

May 29, 2015 @ 22:36 |  We have different robots for different tasks. The geometry of the robot depends upon the task assigned to the robot and the working environment in which robot operates. For example, generally in industry, robots in form of manipulator is required to assemble the parts, mobile platform is required for […]

New Algorithms Allow Robots to Assemble a Task on the Fly

New Algorithms Allow Robots to Assemble a Task on the Fly

MIT researchers tested the viability of their algorithm by using it to guide a crew of three robots in the assembly of a chair. Today’s industrial robots are remarkably efficient as long as they’re in a controlled environment where everything is exactly where they expect it to be. But put them in an unfamiliar setting, […]