
Facebook Opens New Artificial Intelligence Lab

Facebook Opens New Artificial Intelligence Lab

In the mission of making best Artificial Intelligence labs around the globe, today Facebook has created a new research laboratory with the ambitious, long-term goal of bringing about major advances in Artificial Intelligence. The new AI lab has opened in the Paris. Facebook is to expand its artificial intelligence research, opening its first lab outside […]

Shakey: the World’s First Mobile, Intelligent Robot

Shakey: the World’s First Mobile, Intelligent Robot

Shakey, the world’s first mobile, intelligent robot, was developed at Stanford Research Institute (now SRI International) between 1966 and 1972. Peter Hart, SRI, retired worked on this project from the day it started until the day it ended (By which time he was the project leader). Peter Hart described “how the project got launched, how […]

New Algorithms Allow Robots to Assemble a Task on the Fly

New Algorithms Allow Robots to Assemble a Task on the Fly

MIT researchers tested the viability of their algorithm by using it to guide a crew of three robots in the assembly of a chair. Today’s industrial robots are remarkably efficient as long as they’re in a controlled environment where everything is exactly where they expect it to be. But put them in an unfamiliar setting, […]

Researchers Develop Intelligent Handheld Robots

Researchers Develop Intelligent Handheld Robots

What if handheld tools know what needs to be done and were even able to guide and help inexperienced users to complete jobs that require skill? Researchers at the University of Bristol have developed and started studying a novel concept in robotics – intelligent handheld robots. Historically, handheld tools have been blunt, unintelligent instruments that […]

New ‘Deep Learning’ Technique Enables Robot Mastery of Skills via Trial and Error

New ‘Deep Learning’ Technique Enables Robot Mastery of Skills via Trial and Error

Image: This team of UC Berkeley researchers has developed algorithms that enable their PR2 robot, nicknamed BRETT for Berkeley Robot for the Elimination of Tedious Tasks, to learn new tasks through trial and error. Shown, left to right, are Chelsea Finn, Pieter Abbeel, BRETT, Trevor Darrell and Sergey Levine. (Photo courtesy of UC Berkeley Robot […]

Stephen Hawking Predicts Artificial Intelligence could take over in 100 Years

Stephen Hawking Predicts Artificial Intelligence could take over in 100 Years

Stephen Hawking is the former Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at the University of Cambridge and author of A Brief History of Time which was an international best seller. Now the Director of Research at the Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics and Founder of the Centre for Theoretical Cosmology at Cambridge, his other books […]