Marine Robotics

Sea Lion Inspired Research for Underwater Stealth Robotics

Sea Lion Inspired Research for Underwater Stealth Robotics

17 August 2015 | Greogre Washigton University | Sea lion has a unique way of moving through the ocean. This highly maneuverable aquatic mammal produces thrust primarily with its fore flippers – the ones it has where you have hands. Despite being fast, efficient and agile, this sea lion swimming technique is quite different from the […]

Oceanica adds two more Lynx ROV to Enhance Petrobras Operations

Oceanica adds two more Lynx ROV to Enhance Petrobras Operations

12 August 2015 – Brazilian subsea engineering company, Oceanica, is expanding its Saab Seaeye ROV (Remotely Operated underwater Vehicle) fleet with two new Lynx vehicles extensively fitted with cameras and tools. Each Lynx ROV will be used in conjunction with two new vessels being built for Oceanica’s growing Petrobras activities in the vast Brazilian oil fields. […]

’Plankzooka’ Larval Robotic Sampler May Revolutionize Deep-Ocean Research

’Plankzooka’ Larval Robotic Sampler May Revolutionize Deep-Ocean Research

19 July 2015 – Scientists have successfully conducted the first high-volume collection of plankton, including animal larvae, from the deep ocean using a new sampling device mounted on a robotic submarine. Scientists and engineers from Duke University, the University of Oregon and Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) deployed the new robotic sampler — nicknamed PlankZooka […]

BRIDGES Project: Europe’s Deepest Autonomous Robot Glider to be Developed

BRIDGES Project: Europe’s Deepest Autonomous Robot Glider to be Developed

BRIDGES (Bringing together Research and Industry for the Development of Glider Environmental Services) is four year project. 19 partners from across Europe have come together to develop Europe’s first ultra-deep-sea robot glider. This glider will be capable of sampling the ocean autonomously at depths of 5000m, and maybe more in the future, for up to […]

NUSwan: Singapore is using Swan Robots to Monitor Water Quality

NUSwan: Singapore is using Swan Robots to Monitor Water Quality

Maintaining water quality, especially in urbanized landscapes, is highly challenging since water bodies are exposed to varying sources of pollutants from urban run-offs and industries. Simultaneously, active recreational use of these water bodies promotes urban livability in the cities that requires maintenance of clean water and aesthetically pleasing surroundings. Several methods and protocols in monitoring […]

Rolls-Royce is to Lead €6.6 million Autonomous Ship Research Project

Rolls-Royce is to Lead €6.6 million Autonomous Ship Research Project

Rolls-Royce, responsible for research and development of future maritime technologies, is to lead a new €6.6 million project that could pave the way for autonomous ships. The Advanced Autonomous Waterborne Applications Initiative will produce the specification and preliminary designs for the next generation of advanced ship solutions. The project is funded by Tekes (Finnish Funding Agency […]

Buoyant Rover: NASA Tested Under Ice Rover for Exploration

Buoyant Rover: NASA Tested Under Ice Rover for Exploration

NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory developed a robot called the Buoyant Rover for Under Ice Exploration (BRUIE), this rover would normally float and have wheels. Its wheels would roll along on the underside of ice, as if the ice were the ground. Operating underwater, the rover would take images and collect other data to help scientists […]

New Research Project, AUTOSEA to Investigate Sensor Fusion and Collision Avoidance for Advanced Ships

New Research Project, AUTOSEA to Investigate Sensor Fusion and Collision Avoidance for Advanced Ships

The Department of Engineering Cybernetics at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) is leading a new Knowledge-Building Project for Industry that will study collision avoidance for advanced ships. The AUTOSEA project is sponsored by the Research Council of Norway with DNV GL, Kongsberg Maritime and Maritime Robotics as industry partners. The Maritime industry […]