- AUVSI Foundation’s Intelligent round Vehicle Competition (IGVC)
- European Land Robot Trial
- NASA Centennial Challenges
- International Autonomous Robot Racing Challenge
- World Robotics Olympiad
- RoboRAVE International
- RoboGames
- Best Robotics
- International METU Robotics Days
- IEEE Micromouse competition
- The VEX Robotics Competition
- FIRST competition
- Robocup
- Mobile Autonomous Systems Laboratory competition
- Annual fire-fighting home robot contest
- RoboFest
- Collegiate Robofest
- Defcon Robot Competition
- EuroBot
- AUVSI Foundation and ONR’s RoboSub Competition
- Marine Advanced Technology Education Center Competition
- Student Autonomous Underwater Challenge-Europe
- AUVSI Foundation and ONR’s RoboBoat Competition
- Maritime RobotX Challenge
- AUVSI Foundation’s International Aerial Robotics Competition (IARC)
- AUVSI Foundation’s Student Unmanned Air System (SUAS) Competition
- UAV Outback Challenge