
1. Freie Universität Berlin – 1948

   Centers / Labs / Groups:

  1. Autonomous Lab
  2. Biorobotics Lab
  3. Computer Systems and Telematics
  4. Humanoide, fußballspielende Roboter Team Berlin United –  FUmanoids
  5. Intelligente Systeme und Robotik
  6. Machine Learning and Robotics Lab

2. Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) – 1825

  Centers / Labs / Groups:

  1. Anthropomatics and Robotics
  2. Cognitive Systems Lab
  3. Computer Vision for Human-Computer Interaction Lab
  4. Humanoid and Intelligence system Lab
  5. Humanoid Robots
  6. Intelligent sensor- Actuator- system
  7. Interactive system Lab
  8. Kamaro-Engineering e.V. – the student engineering team for innovative Field Robots
  9. Machine Intelligence

3. Max-Planck-Institutes for intelligent system

  Centers / Labs / Groups:

  1. Autonomous Motion Department
  2. Empirical Inference
  3. Perceiving systems


  1. Neural Computation with Artificial Neural Networks
  2. Optimization in Robotics
  3. Reinforcement Learning and Learning Control 
  4. Robot Learning

4. Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg – 1386

  Centers / Labs / Groups:

  1. Computer Graphics and Visualization
  2. Computer Vision Group

5. RWTH Aachen University – 1870 

   Centers / Labs / Groups:

  1. Research in Computer engineering

6. Technische Universität Berlin – 1879

  Centers / Labs / Groups:

  1. Artificial Intelligence
  2. Computer Vision & Remote Sensing
  3. Machine Learning/Intelligent Data Analysis
  4. Robotics and Biology Laboratory

7. Technische Universität Braunschweig – 1745

  Centers / Labs / Groups:

  1. Department of Vehicle Electronics
  2. Dept-control-engineering
  3. Institute for Robotics and Process Control
  4. Mobile Machines and Commercial Vehicles
  5. Robotic system for Assembly and Handling
  6. Robotics-and-Mechatronics
  7. Stadtpilot project

8. Technische Universität Darmstadt – 1877

  Centers / Labs / Groups:

  1. Control Engineering and Process Automation
  2. Department of Control Methods and Robotic
  3. Institute of Automation and Mechatronics

9. Technische Universität Dresden – 1828

    Centers / Labs / Groups:

  1. Computer Vision Lab
  2. Institute of Artificial Intelligence
  3. Institute of Automation
  4. International Center for Computational Logic

10. Technische Universität München – 1868

    Centers / Labs / Groups:

  1. Automatic Control Engineering
  2. Center of Competence Robotics, Autonomy and Interaction
  3. Cluster Cognition for technical Systems
  4. Control and Robotics
  5. Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence Group
  6. Informatics
  7. Intelligent Autonomous Systems 
  8. Multi-Robot Lab
  9. Robotics

11. TU Dortmund University- 1968

    Centers / Labs / Groups:

  1. Robotics Research Institute

12. Universität Bremen – 1971

    Centers / Labs / Groups:

  1. Robot Systems
  2. Robotics Innovation Center (RIC)

13. Universität Hamburg – 1919

  Centers / Labs / Groups:

  1. Department of Informatics
  2. Neurorobotics
  3. Research Cluster Human-Centered Computing
  4. Technical Aspects of Multimodal Systems

14. Universität Stuttgart  – 1829

    Centers / Labs / Groups:

  1. Biomechatronic Systems
  2. Large Scale Robotics 
  3. Machine Vision and Signal Processing
  4. Robot and Assistive Systems
  5. Robotic Manufacturing Laboratory

15. University of Freiburg- 1457

  Centers / Labs / Groups:

  1. Autonomous Intelligent Systems
  2. Brain State Decoding Lab
  3. Computer Graphics
  4. Computer Vision and Image Processing
  5. Foundations of Artificial Intelligence Research Group
  6. Humanoid Robots Lab
  7. Machine Learning Lab
  8. Research Group on Learning, Optimization, and Automated Algorithm Design
  9. Social Robotics and Human-Robot Interaction
  10. Spatial Cognition

16. University of Hannover– 1831

   Centers / Labs / Groups:

  1. Institute for Human-Machine Communication
  2. Institute of Automatic Control
  3. Welfenlab

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