
1. McGill University- 1821, Montréal

  Centers / Labs / Groups:

  1. AQUA Underwater Robot
  2. Centre for Intelligent Machines
  3. Haptics Laboratory
  4. McGILL Robotics
  5. Mobile Robotics Lab

2. University of British Columbia- 1908, Vancouver

  Centers / Labs / Groups:

  1. Collabrotive advanced robotics and intellegent system lab
  2. Computer Vision & Robotics Group
  3. Neuromotor Control Laboratory
  4. Robotics and Control Laboratory

3. University of Toronto- 1827, Toronto

  Centers / Labs / Groups:

  1. Autonomous Space Robotics Lab
  2. Autonomous Systems and Biomechatronics Laboratory
  3. Cognitive Robotics
  4. Institute for Robotics and Mechatronics
  5. Intelligent Assistive Technology and Systems Lab
  6. Robotics and Automation Laboratory
  7. University of Toronto Robotics association

4. University of Waterloo- 1956, Waterloo

   Centers / Labs / Groups:

  1. Adaptive Systems Laboratory
  2. Maglev Microrobotics Laboratory
  3. UW Robotics Team

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