Jumping robot

SALTO Jumping Robot: Most Vertically Agile Robot Ever Built

SALTO Jumping Robot: Most Vertically Agile Robot Ever Built

Dec 9, 2016 @ 19:48 | By Brett Israel |  UC Berkeley’s bio-inspired researchers have made SALTO (Saltatorial Locomotion on Terrain Obstacles), a Galago inspired, single legged jumping robot with vertical jumping agility 1.75 m/s. Roboticists at UC Berkeley have designed a small robot that can leap into the air and then spring off a wall, or […]

3D-Printed Robots with Shock-Absorbing Skins

3D-Printed Robots with Shock-Absorbing Skins

Oct 7, 2016 @ 19:58 | By Adam Conner-Simons, MIT CSAIL | MIT News | MIT researchers outfitted their cube robot with shock-absorbing skins that transfer less than half of the energy that would normally be transferred to the ground. Anyone who’s watched drone videos or an episode of “BattleBots” knows that robots can break — […]

Harvard Researchers Created First Autonomous Jumping Soft Robot

Harvard Researchers Created First Autonomous Jumping Soft Robot

Traditional rigid robots are fast, precise and powerful. But these robots are non-adaptable and dangerous to humans who get too close. Soft robots are adaptable and resilience. But Soft robots are slow, difficult to fabricate and challenging to make autonomous because robot components like motors, sensors and microcontrollers are rigid. But what if you could […]