Robot Challenges

U Of T Team Wins National Drone Competition By Scouring For Bird Nests of Geese

U Of T Team Wins National Drone Competition By Scouring For Bird Nests of Geese

May 16, 2017 @ 07:56 | The University of Toronto Aerospace Team’s (UTAT) UAV Division designed a two-drone system capable of meeting this year’s challenge: to survey and locate nests of geese in the remote Canadian wilderness. Building drones to locate the nests of three different types of Canada geese – that’s what a U […]

Lessons from the Amazon Picking Challenge

Lessons from the Amazon Picking Challenge

Jul 6, 2016 @ 18:41 |  Amazon Picking Challenge is to build their own robot hardware and software that can attempt simplified versions of the general task of picking items from shelves. The challenge combines object recognition, pose recognition, grasp planning, compliant manipulation, motion planning, task planning, task execution, error detection and recovery. To get […]

World Robotics IERA Award 2016 Goes to ABB YuMi Robot

World Robotics IERA Award 2016 Goes to ABB YuMi Robot

Jul 5, 2016 @ 18:45 | International Federation of Robotics |  The twelfth IERA Award for robotics and automation goes to the collaborative dual-arm robot “YuMi” by ABB Robotics this year. The name stands for “you and me – we work together” – since the robot was specially designed to work side by side with its […]

RoboCup 2016: Final Summary of 20th RoboCup

RoboCup 2016: Final Summary of 20th RoboCup

Jul 4, 2016 @ 18:47 | RoboCup 2016 | It was a festival for the mind and the heart: The 20th RoboCup combined scientific peak performances with the outstanding enthusiasm of participants from all over the world. The world championships of intelligent robots inspired 35,000 participants and visitors on the Leipzig exhibition grounds. In 17 […]

RoboCup 2016: Robot Soccer Competitions Final Results

RoboCup 2016: Robot Soccer Competitions Final Results

Jul 3, 2016 @ 19:43 | RoboCup 2016 |  The goal of the international RoboCup initiative is to develop a team of humanoid robots that is able to win against the official human World Soccer Champion team until 2050. In some sense the RoboCup challenge is the successor of the chess challenge for artificial intelligence […]

Robot Videos of Week: RoboCup, Automatica 2016, Cozmo, Pillo Health Robot

Robot Videos of Week: RoboCup, Automatica 2016, Cozmo, Pillo Health Robot

Jul 3, 2016 @ 13:18 |  RoboCup 2016 RoboCup is the leading and most diverse competition for intelligent robots and one of the world’s most important technology events in research and training. The World Cup of robots combines a variety of interdisciplinary challenges from robotics, artificial intelligence, informatics, as well as electrical and mechanical engineering, […]

Netherlands Team Delft wins Amazon Picking Challenge 2016

Netherlands Team Delft wins Amazon Picking Challenge 2016

Jul 2, 2016 @ 23:24 |  A team of engineers from Delft has won the Amazon Picking Challenge 2016. Team Delft won the two separate picking and stowing finals, making them a double champion. The Amazon Picking Challenge 2016 was held during RoboCup 2016, the famous international robot competition which is held from 29 June […]