snake robot

Multi-Functional Robots may be Possible With New Composite Thread

Multi-Functional Robots may be Possible With New Composite Thread

Nov 2, 2016 @ 20:51 | By Hillary Sanctuary  EPFL scientists have developed a new type of composite thread that varies in stiffness depending on its temperature. Applications range from multi-functional robots to knitted casts, and even tunable medical devices. A new type of thread has been developed at EPFL that varies in stiffness depending on its […]

Weekly Video: Robots for Safety, Grasping in VR, Sewing Robot

Weekly Video: Robots for Safety, Grasping in VR, Sewing Robot

Sep 25, 2016 @ 18:43 |  Science of Safety – Portsmouth Robotics Demonstration Two of DOE’s premier national labs – Savannah River and Sandia – provide technical leadership and coordination in addition to demonstrating some of their technologies. Two other world-class federal labs provided their technologies – NASA and JHU-APL, which is a university affiliated […]

SMORES – A Reconfigurable Modular Robot

SMORES – A Reconfigurable Modular Robot

Sep 19, 2016 @ 19:19 |  The SMORES modules can connect to one another using four electro-permanent (EP) magnets on each face to Accomplishing Tasks. SMORES (Self-assembling Modular Robot for Extreme Shape-shifting) is a modular robot developed at the GRASP Lab, University of Pennsylvania. Each module has four degrees of freedom (pan, tilt, and left/right wheels). […]

Track Robot Ourobot: Reinvention of Wheel

Track Robot Ourobot: Reinvention of Wheel

Aug 5, 2016 @ 18:57 | OUROBOT – A self Propelled Continuous Track Robot for Rugged Terrain Computer Engineering Students of Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences have reinvented the wheel. They developed a new kind of robotic wheel – Ourobot. Ourobot moves and overcomes obstacle like tank. It looks like a closed bicycle chain with […]

First Single Actuator Wave-like Robot in the World Developed at BGU

First Single Actuator Wave-like Robot in the World Developed at BGU

Aug 1, 2016 @ 17:03 |  The first SAW (Single Actuator Wave-like Robot) that produces a pure wave motion using a single motor has been developed at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev. The SAW robot is designed for medical applications, maintenance, search and rescue and security scenarios. The unique robot was developed by Dr. David […]

MuddyBot: Robot Helps Study How First Land Animals Moved 360 Million Years Ago

MuddyBot: Robot Helps Study How First Land Animals Moved 360 Million Years Ago

Jul 8, 2016 @ 15:16 | Georgia Tech | When early terrestrial animals began moving about on mud and sand 360 million years ago, the powerful tails they used as fish may have been more important than scientists previously realized. That’s one conclusion from a new study of African mudskipper fish and a robot, MuddyBot modeled […]

Pleurobot:  Improved Version Mimics Salamanders Motion More Accurately

Pleurobot:  Improved Version Mimics Salamanders Motion More Accurately

Jun 29, 2016 @ 17:56 | EPFL |  Bio-Inspired researchers are continuously investigating different types of animal locomotion and trying to make such robots that can exactly mimic the natural motions. MIT Cheetah, CMU Snake, UCB Cockroach, Boston Dynamics Dog, Harvard RoboBees, Sydney University CROC and Greogre Washigton University Sea lion inspired robot are some […]

Shape-Based Compliant Control of the Robot

Shape-Based Compliant Control of the Robot

Jun 7, 2016 @ 20:59 | CMU | USA |  Our real world is full of unstructured and complex environments and natural creatures move through these environments very smoothly with adaptability and robustness. Scientists are trying to understand deeply that how natural creatures are controlling their motions on such complex terrains and want to make […]